
Entity Definition

Logical Name : RentalModifier
Physical Name : CO_RNT_MDFR

An extension to ARTS SaleReturnLineItem used to capture supplementary data about a rental line item. The extended rental charge is reflected in the SaleReturnLineItem.ExtendedAmount.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) SaleReturnLineItem(TR_LTM_SLS_RTN)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (FK)(PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint SaleReturnLineItem(TR_LTM_SLS_RTN)
SerializedUnitItemID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM_SRZ IdentityUUID char(32) RentalUnit(ID_UN_RNT)
SerialNumber (FK) A unique code, which can be either alpha, numeric or alpha-numeric, to identify an individual ITEM. ID_NMB_SRZ Name varchar(40) RentalUnit(ID_UN_RNT)
ItemID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the retailer's SKU. ID_ITM IdentityUUID char(32) RentalUnit(ID_UN_RNT)
RentalStandardContractID (FK) Identifies an instance of a RentalStandardContract ID_RNT_STD_CNTRT Identity integer RentalUnit(ID_UN_RNT)
RentalPeriodStartDateTime The rental period start date and time for this rental line item. DT_RNT_PRD_SRT_DT_TM Datetime datetime
RentalPeriodEndDateTime The rental period start date and time for this rental line item. DT_RNT_PRD_END_DT_TM Datetime datetime
RentalChargePerRentalPeriod The rental charge per rental period. Example $35 per day. MO_RNT_CHG_PR_RNT_PRD Money decimal(16,5)
RentalPeriodCount A count of the rental periods covered for this RentalModifier. Example 3 days rental QY_RNT_PRD_CNT QuantityDayCount decimal(3,0)
RentalPeriodTypeCode Designates the type of period used to meter a total rental charge. Values include: MINUTES HOURS DAYS WEEKS MONTHS Note that in a conventional retail business, it would be unusal to rent items for longer periods. CD_RNT_PRD_TYP Code varchar(20)
RentalItemActionCode A code that indicates whether this line item represents a customer pickup or a customer return of a rented item. CD_RNT_ITM_ACTN Code varchar(20)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
RentalUnit is rented through RentalModifier
SaleReturnLineItem is a RentalModifier

Logical Views containing RentalModifier

Logical View
Logical 02370 - Retail Transaction - Rental View